Thai - Language

(some useful words)


Thais are without doubt the friendliest, most helpful people I have come across.  However English is not widely spoken anywhere in the country. Also the written language uses Thai script which is basically totally unintelligible to those only familiar with Latin (western) script.

Unless you intend to learn the language you will likely have to rely on Thai's speaking English. I apologise in advance to any Thai's that do speak excellent English but in 15 years I have yet to meet one. Thus even a native English speaker will likely have some difficulty.

It will help you to bear in mind that there are no verb tenses in Thai. Thus the word for "come" ( "mah" in Thai ) is used in all tense situations, with additional words being added to describe the timing. Hence the common question you might be asked
"When you come to Thailand before?" Meaning: When did you last visit Thailand?

A small collection of possibly useful words

English Thai English Thai
Yes Chai No Mai chai
Good Dee Bad Mai dee
Beautiful Suay Delicious Aloy
Left Sai Right Kwaa
to Go Bah to Come mah
to Want Ao to Eat ghin
this nee that nah

Some (very) Basic phrases.
Many phrases change with the gender of the person speaking .
Below (m) indicates the phrase for Males, and (f) that for Females.

English Thai English Thai

Sawadee Khup (m)
Sawadee Kaa (f)

Thank you Ka Phun Khup (m)
Ka Phun Kaa (f)
Are you well? Sabai Dee Mai ? I'm fine Sabai Dee Khup (m)
Sabia Dee Kaa (f)
I'm hungry Hew I'm tired Ao nhorn
Do you want to eat something



Vocalising numbers in Thai is considerably more logical than most European languages. One important difference is that whereas in English we start repeating the multipliers after 1000 (e.g. 23,000 = "twenty-three thousand"), in Thai there are different words for 10,000, 100,000, and 1,000,000.  

Digits Multipliers Examples
1. nueng 10. sip 12.  sip sawng
2. sawng 100. loy 13.  sip sam
3. sam 1000. pan 22.  yisip sawng
4. see 10000 muang 30.  sam sip
5. hah 100000. saang 50.  hah sip
6. hock 1000000. lan 65. hock sip hah
7. jet 200. sawng loy
8. bhat 275.  sawng loy, jet sip hah
9.  gow 2003.  sawng pan, sam
10. sip 76543.  jet muang, hock pan, hah loy, see sip sam
11. sip-et 400211. see saang, sawng loy, sip-et.


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