mBlock - Exercises

Students are to select and code four projects from the Group 1 mBlocks.

Then students need to complete one project from the Group 2 mBlocks, which involves a lot more coding.

When students have done these four projects, they will be able to create their own coded program.

When running the mBots, (If something does not work - go back to the code and check the coding).

Save each project as the project number.
The mBots will be available some of the periods, to run projects.

Group 1 - Projects to choose from.

These are the short pieces of coding. Select four of them, from Group 1.
1/. Autostop
2/. Avoid Barriers
3/. Brightness Gradient
4/. Infrared
5/. M-Shaped
6/. Obstacles
7/. Play Music
8//. Racing
9/. Sound Gradient
10/. Ultrasonic Sensor
11/. Cliff Detection
Group 2 - Projects to choose from. These use more code. Select one of them.
G2/1. Mixed Colours
G2/2. Keyboard Control
G2/3. Singing & Dancing

Group 3 - Projects - Make your own project, using skills from what you have learned.
Having completed and tested the four, you can then create your own and test it.