Cherry Blossom Montage, using Layers and Opacity Levels.

This is a relatively easy montage to make, but it is with a difference! There are three images on the background, which are repeated with different levels of opacity to fade out the originals.

The over the top images all have their backgrounds removed.

Here are the images used:

1/. Find a background image. Ensure it is more than 1280px wide.
2/. Find three different images for the over the tops.
3/. Remove the backgrounds (as you have done previously).

4/. One by one insert the images as individual layers and drop back the opacity to blend with your background.

The first image would be at about 80%, the repeat at about 30-40%.

5/. It's an easy project and really creative, using Layers and adjusting the Opacity to work the image.
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