Create a Sketch Image with a Difference!

1/. Find a workable image.

2/. Layer/Duplicate the background layer.

3/. Using the background copy layer, Image Adjustments/Invert the Image.

4/. Then in the Layers dialogue box select the Normal drop down box and change it to Color Dodge. The most of the image will go white. The Colour Dodge (as shown in 1 below) is located in the second drop down next to Opacity.

7/. Using the lined drop down menu in the layers panel, select Convert to a Smart Object. The lined drop down menu is shown in 2 below).

8/. Filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur and set the filter setting to 12.0 pixels. Leave the Opacity Level at 100%.

The final image will look something like this - a hand sketch (almost). The sketch outline will vary in each image. If the image is too dark, lower the Opacity, possibly way down to 40%. The amount will vary for each image. Some may require none.

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