Assessment Tasks

Is an easy one. You are to create two different combo tracks. These are a compilation of the eight tracks you have chosen.

Task 1 - Is to edit each of the eight tracks, removing and lead in and lead out spaces. The compilation track will run for about 30 minutes, depending on the length of the songs chosen.

Then you need to sort out the play order.

Start a New File, then open all the eight tracks.

Copy/paste the tracks into the exact order you want them into the new file.

Save the combo track as combo1.mp3.

Play the combo track right through using headphones.

Make any edits, then save it to the teacher's USB for assessment, as combo1_yourname.

Task 2 - Is a little different. You need to take out a section from each track to make a combo ringtone, of about one minute's duration.

The tracks need to 'blend in well' and be one continuous piece of music, without breaks or surges of sound! Save this as combo2_yourname.

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