Building your Website from the template pages provided

1. Create a New Folder titled website.

2. Open Dreamweaver.

3. Create the Index Page - the Home Page.

4. Create the design of your pages - backgrounds, table colours.
5.Rename the page links and then copy paste them across all pages.

6. Testing the links work. A typo, mis-spelling causes the link not to work.

7. Start building each individual webpage.

8. Inserting Nested Tables for the content.

9. Resize the images where applicable. Your images cannot exceed 800px, which is the table size.
10. Inserting Images.
11. Change the Background Colour and table borders.

12. Inserting a Flash Movie or Video.

13. Understanding what's in the Background of a Webpage - the HTML Code.
14. Testing the Whole Website and the links.
15. If time allows - Upload the website to the Internet using FTP software.
Test Pages in Browser