CV Task - Summary of your Understanding of the topic.

The following 4 questions cover the main topics in this module unit.

What's required is for you to summarise the content (DO NOT just copy/paste the content, or you shall be doing it again in your own time).

The theory task:

One slide for each topic is good, maybe two if needed.

The heading is the question (which you may copy/paste).

The outcome is that you show an understanding of the module unit.

If you want to add an image, or images. All is good.

The font height is 12pt.

Use a cover slide, with your name and the module unit title.

DO NOT animate your slides. But you can colour them.

When completed, hand in your work for assessment, as directed. Then you move onto the next module topic.

Handins (e) - use the subject line always. The subject of this module topic is the module unit's title.

Late handins are 10% per day, including weekends, with a 200 word essay titled "How Can I Better Manage My Own Learning".

1/. In a CV there are three main components - what are they and what do you need to include in each.
2/. Written comms in the workplace. Using the eight job examples in the resource "Written Communications in the Workplace" and complete two summarised points on each describing the key issues.

3/. A formal letter. Using the example shown in the resource, write a formal letter asking for some sort of information about an item you want to find out more about.

The letter is to be addressed to Mr Robert Mill, Managing Director EFS Group Pty Ltd, P O Box 1234, Coffs Harbour. 2450. (This is a non-real business address).

4/. To the same person on the same scenario, prepare your first enquiry email. Then complete an ongoing contact.

The email address is (a non-real email address).

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