Online Presence Task
1/. Describe what makes up a person’s online presence?
2/. How can you build a positive online presence in the digital community?
3/. What do employers look for in an online presence when interviewing employees?
4/. In uilding an online presence what should you include?
5/. Websites - what are they and who has them?
6/. Why set up a Blog instead of a website?
7/. Are Blogs useful and why?
8/. What are digital stories and why are they useful?
9/. Under which circumstances would employers not employ staff, after checking their website, blog or social media page.

10/. What positive things do employers look for when searchng potential employees website, social media page or blog.

11/. What makes up respectful, responsible and secure citizenship?
12/. How can you try and protect your online identity?

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