The Assignment Planning Structure.

Follows similar lines to an essay structure, but involves the extra requirements of detailed research as well as planning before you start creating your masterpiece. In the senior years (Y11 and Y12) and university, it will also require you to do referencing of your information sources, within the referenced paragraphs and in a summary list at usually the end.

Allow yourself plenty of time to do the assignment and definitely never leave it to the last minute to do, as it will be obvious to the assessor. You will not do as good a job and may have to do a resubmit or fail. Make sure that when completed you re-read the assignment and ensure you have met the requirements and not forgotten anything.

First you need to read and then re-read the assignment task. Make sure that you understand what it requires you to do. Ask questions if you are uncertain.  Then decide where and what exactly you will need to be researching. You could be doing a reference book, as well as internet researching. It is so essential that you keep to the task topic and requirements, or you may have to do it all over again as a resubmit.

Do your detailed research and make a checklist of what you have found in your research and what you will need to show. (Use dot points and summary notes).

Write/type up your assignment draft providing details from your researching.
(Just like building a house again):-
           (Create the building slab) – the base of your assignment research in a strong opening paragraph.
           (Then create the building frame, to hold it all together) – where you will show details of our research
           (Finally – create the building walls and roof) – filling in all the required information that you have researched in your framework.

Re-read the assignment task yourself “does this meet all the requirements”, and if in doubt ask yourself “what do I need to further research and add to complete”. Better to be safe than lose marks!

There may also be a word count, with a 10% over or under marking penalty. If this is the case, make sure that you meet this requirement, or lose marks!

You could also have a page count instead of a word count, with the same more or less requirements.

As with the essay, proofread the final result. Do a final spelling and grammar check, then submit it for marking.