Thai Food - Street Stalls

Adapted from: Thai Street Food in my Area by Gor (Panrit "Gor" Daoruang) a Thai Teenager and his webite:


My girlfriend's favourite, the noodle shop. It sells egg noodles with red pork in soup, delicious. But my girlfriend likes it without the soup and vegetables. Our first choice in the morning when we don't know what to have for breakfast: porridge rice. We have it with a poached egg. It costs 20 baht.

These are some pictures of the desserts and drinks by the side of the road down where we live. When we come out for a walk or to buy some fresh food and vegetables, we sometimes stop at oneof these stalls. We eat them as snacks or as sweets after we have finished our main meal.

The picture on the left shows a drinks shop by the side of the main road at Nam-daeng market, where my girlfriend and I live. This shop is selling some softs drinks and also sells coffee and tea.

"Deep-fried Dough Sticks", or pla tong go in Thai, is always seen around every market, even by the side of the road, in the morning. We have it with coffee, tea, or a bowl of Thick Rice Soup (Congee).
Fruit juice in crunchy ice is what my girlfriend likes to drink very much. We often buy one to take back home whenever we see it.
My favourite, coconut ice cream. It is selling everywhere in Thailand. A woman in the picture is the one that always go down my road. She sometimes gives me extra ice cream without charging me more! One of Thai sweets called " kanom tuay". It tastes sweet and has a nice smell. My girlfriend and I pretty like it.




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