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About Japan


About the Country


Japan has the 8th largest population in the world It comprises approximately 3.9% of the Asian population and 2.3% of the entire world population.

The 11 Japanese cities with a population over one million today are Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Hiroshima, and Kita Kyushu.

Over the last 30 years, the residents in the cities with a population between 1 and 5 million has grownconsiderably.

There is a high concentration of population in the three metropolitan areas of Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya where more than half of the total Japanese population live.

In the large metropolitan areas especially in Tokyo and Osaka and Nagoya small lots have been developed and houses and apartments were built to house the rapidly increasing urban population over the last 50 years.

Some apartments fall below the minimum standard. Some of the old wooden rental houses and apartments are totally substandard by today's standard. They need to be rebuilt to make the Metropolis more resistant to big earthquakes and other natural disasters.

Of the total 40 million houses and apartments in Japan, 40% face roads less than 4m in width. The large portions of these houses and apartments are concentrated in urban areas. This means they are not easily accessible by fire engines and other large vehicles in case of emergency.



Japan is in the northern hemisphere (we are in the southern), so their seasons are the opposite to ours.

Spring is from March to May, with its clear skies and cherry blossoms, is probably the most celebrated Japanese season.

cherry blossom

It is also a holiday period for the Japanese and many of the more popular travel destinations tend to be flooded with local tourists.

Autumn is from September to November and is a great time to travel: the temperatures are pleasant, and the autumn colours in the countryside are fantastic.

Mid-winter is from December to February and it can be bitterly cold.


Summer is from June to August can turn even the briefest excursion out of the air conditioning into a sweat bath.





Royokan - Japanese Guest House (in summer, winter and inside)