So which jobs are the safe bets of the future and which jobs will go? Students need to be thinking seriously, right now, about the jobs that will still be around for them when they leave school and beyond. The jobs that have low levels of social interaction, creativity and mobility and dexterity are more likely to be replaced by computers or robots. These are jobs such as:

  • Information clerks
  • Retail salespersons
  • Security guards
  • Bartenders
  • Reporters
  • Legal assistants
  • Taxi drivers
  • Cooks
  • Financial advisors
  • Musicians

There is no need for students to despair. Jobs that require a certain level of social intelligence and creativity such as those in education, healthcare, the arts and media are likely safe, for the foreseeable future. It also helps to remember that robots are not humans. They still need to be programmed, for now at least. What students need to do is to familiarise themselves with computers, computer programming, AI and robotics as they prepare for the future workforce.


With rapid advances in robotics and computerisation, students should be aware of the jobs that may no longer exist in the future, so that they can focus their energies on preparing for those that will.

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08/10 - Update -Daily Telegraph

Jobs of the Future - Assessment Task

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