Image Mode and Image Types


Image Mode - change the colouring and file type of an image.

The two main image modes used in Photoshop are:

RGB (Colour) and Grayscale (B&W). There is also CMYK.

For the web RGB is the go, for printing CMYK, which stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key is Black.

When you compare the two as a .JPG image on the web there is virtually no difference.

See the examples:

The Original Image Grayscaled Multicoloured

Image Types - JPG (JPEG), GIF (CompuServe .GIF), PNG, or PSD. What's the difference?

The most common image format is .JPG.

However if you want an image with a transparent background, you cannot use a .JPG format as it will save with a white background. For a transparent, use a .GIF (CompuServe .GIF), or a .PNG.

A .PSD file is unique to Photoshop and can only be used in Photoshop. A .PSD file is used where you have not completed the final image and need to get back to it at a later stage. The .PSD file maintains the separate layers and is easily editable in Photoshop.

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