Navigation Links


Once your Master Page has been created and you are satisfied with the design outcome, you need to create the other main pages.

You can still make background colour changes to the other main link pages with the design staying intact.

The reason for creating the other main link pages at this stage is to enable the navigation page links to take place. As pages are worked on and the content updated, the pages are completed.

Using the Master Page to copy from, create the other pages, saving them to your website folder, with short page names - such as 'links' and not the extended navigation_ links.

If you need to have more than one word in page name, ensure that you use the underscore, which is the correct HTML way of naming.

Now using the Main Index, start hyper linking each page, including the Index Page. Using function key F12 to enable the browser to be opened, test all the links work.

After testing the links, copy/paste test the links nested table onto each webpage.

Again test using the F12 function key, all pages to ensure the navigation is complete and working.

A handy within page link to be added later is the Top command, which takes you to the top of the page. This command is located under the Anchors link.